Heliodoro García Cartaya nació en Yaguajay provincia de Santa Clara en 1908 y se graduó en el Instituto Provincial en 1927.
Después de haber ejercido en la ciudad de la Habana a raíz de haberse graduado en la Universidad Central en el año 1934 como médico estomatólogo se trasladó a la villa de Pedro Betancourt, instalando su moderno gabinete en la calle de Martí número cinco.
Sus trabajos de extracciones, puentes fijos y amovibles, orificaciones e incrustaciones le hicieron ganar una distinguida clientela.
Fue miembro prestigioso del Colegio Estomatológico de Matanzas, del Liceo y Tuerce Rabos del Club de Leones de Pedro Betancourt así como dentista oficial del Colegio Médico de Pedro Betancourt.
Armando Jesus Garcia dice
This was my father, I am shocked to find this article, actually my wife found it. I came to the US in 1960 my parents and little sister came over 1 year later, I was just 9 years old when I left . So many memories good and bad. My parents always thought they would go home to Cuba but as we all know that has not happened while Castro’s Regime remains in power. Why did you post this article about my Dad?
Almar dice
Dear Armando, the purpose of this website is to remember all those persons that contribute with their efforts to make a prosperous Cuba. The article came from a book published in 1942 and is part of a Guide of province of Matanzas and the businesses that existed at that time. Your father probably wanted to be on that book and provided the details about his personal life and dental skills. I’m very sorry to hear about your personal history, the one of many families that left Cuba on those years. You can contact me using the Contacto form on top of the page. In case you prefer this remembrance article not made public please let me know, if you desire to contribute with other details, exemple the date of marriage, the name of his wife, when he left Cuba?… it will be also a pleasure to add it to the article. Best Regards. A. Martinez.